fredag 3. februar 2012

J.R.R Tolkien

I wrote quite a bit about Tolkien in my 2nd post here. You may as well read that in advance if you have not already.
Also I do know quite a bit about Sir. Tolkien, In my previous school I did an immense research undertaking him and his works of exquisite fictions.

As previously stated J.R.R Tolkien is a genious, no doubt about that. He creates a world so unimaginabely lively. Wherever you go in his stories you always hear rumours and tales of events transpiring in the distant corners of middle-earth and everything he does is just brilliant.

I would oh so much read all of his works regarding middle-earth, it is so immensily terriffic. You just always want to know more about this region and that region, and what happened in the past. What's beyond the vast desert of Rhûn? What lies in store for the adventurers who travel north, beyond the ice-barrier.

Here's a photo of the man.
 Photographry from

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